Just like old seeds….

by Felicia Leaks-Broughton

Hello all! Thank you for stopping by and I hope all is well with you and yours on this day!  😊

You may recall that in my very first blog, I mentioned that this year, our garden is rather impressive—to us, that is and as compared to the gardens that we have attempted in the past.

You see, each year, Ray and I, attempt to plant a vegetable garden.  We consider it a family garden, as my parents, Floyd and Faye, do their share of the gardening work–helping to till and fertilize the rows, planting, watering, pulling weeds and sometimes even harvesting. Watching our garden grow is very peaceful—it reminds us of God’s awesome handiwork and it is even more rewarding if we are able to reap a harvest, which is rare for us, oh but this year!!! We are all just so proud of it, and each day, we walk out to see if anything new has budded or if anything is ready to pick.

A few days ago, Ray and I walked out to the garden as we normally do, and I was suddenly hit with a revelation.

Look at the pics below:


The first pic reflects rows of peppers, tomatoes, peas, okra, squash, and corn. But if you look closely to the second pic, you will see what appears to be patches of plants growing randomly in the garden.  These patches are not weeds—- these are turnip greens which were NOT planted this year, and were actually the first plant to pop up!!! In fact, we have NO idea what year they were planted!!!😃

This year, we decided that in order to have a chance at a harvest, we would need to take different measures in how our garden was planted. So, instead of tilling the soil and throwing out some seed and adding some store bought fertilizer, we decided to till our rows mixed with a natural fertilizer— chicken manure.

Not long after we made our rows for the first half of the garden and began planting peppers, tomatoes, peas, okra, squash, and corn, we noticed that there were turnip greens sprouting in those random spots, but neither of us had planted any. Ray and Daddy determined that these random patches were the result of old green seeds which were planted long before—at least a year or two prior, but had never taken root, that is until now.  We like to think it is because finally,  combined with the right fertilizer and a couple of different methods, the conditions were just right for growing. And though it was an uncomfortable process, because trust me, chicken manure STINKS—BAD, it was very much necessary, as it produced the best vegetable garden we’ve grown yet!!

This spoke to me, and was God’s reminder that there are dreams and goals that have been planted within me, but I gave up on the harvest because I saw no signs of sprouting, but just like these old green seeds, they too have taken root and have just  been waiting for the right conditions to make their appearance. And as of late, I have been in enough uncomfortable and stinky situations to unearth everything that was ever planted in me===good or bad!

Often, seeds are planted within us throughout our lives. Some seeds we plant purposely, and others are planted unknowingly and sometimes by others—and they could take root and sprout when least expected.

Seeds can be planted or manifested, by either word or deed and they are not always the good kind, so please be mindful of the things that you say and do to your children, to others, and just as importantly to yourself.  Many people grow to believe lies about themselves because of what one person said, or the lies they told themselves (Guilty)and it stumps their growth.  On the contrast, the same is true for those who have had kind words spoken over and into their lives, so they live a life which flourishes–believing that anything is possible.

So, may you speak kind words–they take root, especially if they are accepted as truth.  Do kind and unselfish deeds, so that these same deeds and better may be returned to you. The Bible tells us to do unto others, as we would have them to do unto ourselves–though it is not always easy.

I hope this post inspires you to revisit the dreams and goals in your life that you too may have discarded as seeds which did not take root. If you are like me, you may discover those uncomfortable, stinky conditions you found yourself in, were perfect and necessary to realize your harvest. And just as importantly, be aware of the seeds that have been planted within you that you don’t need taking root—things like limiting beliefs about yourself, malice, envy and jealousy, as these will always keep you from your harvest.

I am learning that life is what we make of it— what we put in it, so plant good seeds, and fertilize them with ‘good vibes’.😘

As always, thank you for stopping by to read my thoughts, and if it helped you, tell someone!!! Leave me a comment or suggestion–I would love to hear from you!





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Kelly June 28, 2022 - 5:24 pm

This really did my heart good to read! I chuckled a time or two and it certainly made me smile!

Felicia Leaks-Broughton July 6, 2022 - 10:55 pm

Thank you so much, and I am glad that you got a smile out of it!

Christina June 29, 2022 - 2:59 pm

Hi Felicia, it was so good to meet you today. This is Christina, Kingdom Christian church

Felicia Leaks-Broughton July 6, 2022 - 10:54 pm

It was great to meet you as well!!! Who knew a policy cancellation would introduce such a kindred spirit!!!

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