I’ll Take Mine, Thanks.

by Felicia Leaks-Broughton

Good day all!! It’s been it’s a minute–well actually, it’s been months!! As always though, hoping all has been well with you and yours. ๐Ÿค—

Since my last post, I have celebrated quite a few victories such as learning that my first born, Jokenzie, is soon to be a first-time father to a baby boy, Cassius Reign in February!!ย  ย **Side Note: I am requesting to be called BeBe. ๐Ÿ˜

I was able to fly out and witness my daughter Reagan being promoted to USMC Corporal, and pinned by her big brother,ย  Petty Officer 1st Class Broughton—I’m a proud Momma to say the least. I lost around 5-7 pounds, which I eventually found again, and surprisingly don’t hate, so YAAAAYYY! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Our beloved garden succumbed to the extreme summer heat, despite our attempts to keep it watered and free from weeds, yet I am happy that it yielded multiple harvests which fed our family and those in the community. I am also confident that our next garden will be just as successful–perhaps even more.

And finally, my two brothers Chris and DJ, my dear mother Faye, myself, my son Jokenzie and my husband Ray have all been blessed to celebrate another birthday amongst the living.

The latter is perhaps the greatest victory of all, considering the number of family and friends lost within the last few months who will never again celebrate a birthday with their loving ones. Since I last posted, I have experienced three personal losses–my three uncles–Uncle Bill, Uncle Wilbert and most recently Uncle Ray Charles (RC as we lovingly called him).

As of late, it seems that at least once a week, sometimes more often, I learn of a friend or acquaintance who has experienced the loss of their spouse, sibling and tragically even their child, and instantly the common and daily annoyances that I encounter on occasion and consider as problems, are actually no problems at all.

I am reminded of something I was once told during a conversation about everyday issues: if given the opportunity, we should each take the time to write down our so called ‘problems’, throw it into a ‘Problem Bowl’, mix it around really good, then draw out and read someone else’s problem.ย  In doing so, we would almost always realize that others are experiencing real pain, loss and grief, and in ways that far overshadow the things that are merely inconveniences and minor worries for us. And as a result, we would gladly throw that real problem back into that bowl, search for the one we just threw in and loudly proclaim, “I’ll Take Mine, Thanks.

Life is hard, unscripted and filled with uncertainty. In fact, the only thing we can absolutely be certain to experience in life is the death of those that we love the most.ย  Though the recent losses of my three uncles were painful for me, I can only imagine the pain experienced by their spouse, children and siblings and my pain dulls in comparison. My heart truly goes out to each of them.

To any of you who may read this post and have experienced the recent loss of your beloved, my heart aches for you and I pray that you receive God’s peace and comfort as only He can give.

For those of us who at this time are healed of the pain from past losses, and are in a season where all is well with each of our loved ones, may we hug our beloveds a bit longer, speak a little kinder and remind each other that we love them. You never know when the last time may be.

Finally, when we are tempted to complain about the minor inconveniences that life tends to bring, let us be reminded of and pray for others and the realย problems that they are having to endure at this time, and remember to say “I’ll Take Mine, Thanks.”

Until next time, be blessed. ๐Ÿ’“




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Debra Hines November 7, 2022 - 3:24 am

This post is very inspiring and informative. I absolutely love it.

Felicia Leaks-Broughton November 15, 2022 - 11:56 pm

Thank you so much!!

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