Beyond Basic

by Felicia Leaks-Broughton

Good day all!! As always, I hope all is well with you and yours. 😊

So around two weeks ago, I bought a new phone, but not out of necessity—- Ray dropped and shattered his phone and it was not functioning, so he had no other choice but to buy a new one AGAIN!!! (This is not the first time, lol).  I take more care in handling expensive electronics than does Mr. Broughton, and there was not one thing wrong with my old phone, so I would have been content in keeping it. However, since there was a promotion at Verizon which made our bill cheaper if we bought two, I honestly saw no harm in getting a new one for myself.

The saleslady was very pleasant and thorough, showing us a variety of phones and providing a brief description of each, which was unnecessary really, as the only question either of us had was ‘Which one is gonna cost me the least?’  The least expensive phones we decided on were actually pretty fancy gadgets, fully loaded with some impressive feature and apps—in fact, the phone is so fancy, that just the other day, the ‘Assistant’ app on my phone was activated by the voice in a television commercial—WOW!!  However, I am very basic–we both are actually, and we will only be using our phones’  basic features like texting, calling, camera and internet—we could probably get by with a flip phone, lol!

More than once and quite recently, I have found myself in conversation where I have shared a rather unkind opinion of myself.  Admittedly, I have compared myself to a gadget or product being manufactured on an assembly line, and concluded that during the final phase of quality inspection, I must have been passed off as being complete, though I was missing some essential parts which weren’t noticeable just by glancing at me. Somewhere along the way, I developed this perception that I was only basic, normal–nothing extraordinary, talented or special, especially when I compare myself to others who seem to have it all figured out.

However, when I shared this opinion in a conversation just last week with my dear friend, Tonya K, I was suddenly reminded of this new phone I just bought and was struck with a realization which I also shared with her. As I mentioned before, I am satisfied to operate my phone at the basic level, even though it is created and equipped to do so much more.  I even admitted that I discarded the phone’s manual once I was comfortable in operating the basic functions and apps–I was not interested in any of it’s ‘special features’, and if I happened to discover any of them, it would be entirely accidental, as it was when the ‘Assistant’ app was awakened by my tv.

I now realize that just like this phone, I was made wonderfully and born fully loaded with some impressive and unique features—no missing parts. And because just because I had never used some of the features and apps, didn’t mean that they were not there all along.  The only difference between myself and those that I seemed to compare myself to, was the fact that they were utilizing all of their features and apps.  I had been so comfortable operating at the ‘basic level’ for most of my life, I have allowed my own ‘features and apps’ to lie dormant, failing to operate at full potential.  BUT NO MORE!!!!

Though we are ALL imperfect in some way, we are also Created wonderfully—-each fully loaded with our own unique measure of talents and abilities, and if you have ever felt as if you are insufficient, missing some essential parts, or even basic at best—may you, too, discover all that has been hidden within, may you live the life which was always intended for you to live and may you exceed  EVERY expectation.

And for those who have been fortunate enough to discover your features early on, may you discover even more, and inspire others to do the same. 😘

I hope this has helped someone.  Be blessed. ❤






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