I Quit!

by Felicia Leaks-Broughton

Good day all! Hoping all is well with you and yours on this lovely Fall evening. 😊

Recently, while taking inventory of all the blessings in my life– the amount of unmerited favor dispensed, obstacles that were overcome, storms weathered, and goals achieved, I came to the realization that although I didn’t succeed at each and every endeavor I attempted, neither did I fail.

In fact, I could probably count the number of failures that I have experienced in my lifetime on one hand!!! Please understand, I am NOT in ANY way saying this to be boastful, and this is not a declaration of my inability to fail or any attempt to display any hint of superiority. It is however a very real and very honest acknowledgement of the fact that if I did not succeed at something, it is not because I failed–it is because I QUIT!! 😃 And if I sound excited, it’s because I AM, especially now that I know what I know!

And the reason WHY I quit more times than I care to admit?  It is always because ‘SHE’ won.

SHE. HER. For my male readers– HE. HIM. That inaudible, yet very loud nuisance which resides inside the head of each and every living and breathing human being. Some call it ‘the enemy’, the inner critic, Satan, the devil, the list goes on and on, but no matter what you may call it, him or in my case, ‘HER’, we have all fallen victim to the lies they absolutely LOVE to tell us–particularly the one called ‘ I failed’ but the truth is, ‘I Quit’.

I listen to HER because she sounds a whole lot like me—after all, SHE knows all of my weaknesses, insecurities, and fears and reminds me that if anyone should discover those things which I would prefer to stay hidden, it would be my ruin, so SHE keeps me scaled back, in sort of a safe space–my comfort zone. SHE is relentless in reminding me that there are countless glass ceilings in existence and that there are only certain people who possess the pair of pumps sufficient to break them, but sadly those pumps don’t come in my size, so I should spare myself the embarrassment of daring to dream of accomplishing anything outside the norm.

I was harsh and unkind to myself because I believed that I had failed in some very significant areas in my life. Whew!!!!The years I spent on regret, self-loathing and branding myself as a failure–only to discover that the real failure is not realizing that I did not fail—I only quit.  Frankly, I am sick of HER and HER lies. SHE only won because I let HER–in fact, SHE only existed because I gave HER my attention,my will and my power.

Do you know what this means????!!!

I didn’t fail at obtaining my MBA—I Quit!!

I didn’t fail at writing and publishing children’s books–-I Quit!!!

I didn’t even fail at blogging—I Quit!!!!

That was an extremely short list of ‘NON-FAILS’ for the sake of time, but I now realize that I am just as capable as any other who has succeeded at the things that I attempted—the difference and what I perceived as a failure is that they kept going and I Quit.  If I am still living and breathing, then there is still time to pick up where I started. And there is ABSOLUTELY a pair of glass shattering pumps designed specifically for these feet—- Sized 9 to be exact! 😏💪🏾

If you are reading this blog, I pray that you too can silence that SHE, HE—that pessimistic critic within, and re-evaluate what you may have labeled as ‘failures’ in your life. You may discover that you too didn’t fail–you just quit!! AND–if you have the desire, simply pick up where you started. It is not too late.

Be blessed everyone and thank you for reading. 🤎😘



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Taylor Easter November 16, 2022 - 11:03 am

Well you didn’t Fail or Quit with this Article. I call it Passing through Life. Very Meanful and Forth Coming Article. Thank You for Sharing

Felicia Leaks-Broughton November 16, 2022 - 11:13 pm

Thank you so much for the encouragement and for reading!!

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